Florida Boards, Owners, and Managers: Allcock & Marcus Featured in Florida Publications as it Relates to the Condo Blacklist

By Jake Marcus
This past week, Allcock & Marcus, which practices in Florida, was featured in the Sun Sentinel and Miami Herald as it relates to the Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac Condo Blacklist or Unavailable List.  Allcock & Marcus’ presence in Florida becomes important as our Firm has been tracking community associations on the list by way of the following search tool https://www.amcondolaw.com/resources/fannie-mae-blacklist/ and a recently launched website, https://condoblacklist.com/, after a strategic alliance with fellow community association law firm, Katzman & Chandler.

The list – which has existed since roughly 2005 – has grown from 1,770 developments in the United States in May to nearly 2,500 in the latest list.  In Florida, which is experiencing issues ranging from the insurance crisis, alterations to commercial space, transient unit owners, and of course structural integrity and reserve requirement changes, we anticipate this list will expand predominantly in Florida, which comprises the majority of the list in the nation (34.5%), and is experiencing immense legislative changes. We will aim to get the developments off the list and for more transparency from Fannie Mae.

For any questions regarding your Florida condominium, please contact Jake Marcus at jake@amcondolaw.com.

SunSentinel Article [click here].

Miami Herald Article [click here].

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