Spring on the Horizon: Preparing Your Condominium for Warmer Weather

By David Lally

The end of March is often associated with the end of a grueling winter here in New England. The snow forecasts change to rain, and the anticipation of seeing that rain turn to sunshine grows with each passing day. While this year’s winter may not have been as snow filled and frigid as years past, not that I am complaining about a lack of snow, lot of work still must be done to get an association ready to celebrate the spring in good standing. Certain projects need to be started well before the turn of that winter season into spring. Amenities don’t maintain themselves, and neither do grounds. The board that waits until the last minute to line up its vendors or survey its property to ascertain what work needs to be done, can find itself behind the eight ball, as contractors are booked and unit owners grow increasingly anxious to take advantage of the outdoor amenities of their community.

No matter the size of the community or building, it’s advisable to start connecting with necessary vendors involved in preparing your property for the spring in the early months of the year. This gives your association an advantage in securing quality vendors at a fair price. Even if you have vendors your community contracts with regularly, it is always a good idea to get on their calendar early. Establishing a want for vendor services and securing a date early ensures your association will not be left scrambling for late or last minute appointments.

Early discussions with vendors are most productive when a plan is already in place. It is highly encouraged that board’s try to anticipate what work will be required to get the property ready for the change of season. Simple questions like, will the grounds need to be aerated? Will seeding or weed control be needed? Will there be a need to turn over the ground and the flower beds? Will seasonal plantings be needed? It is important to ask these questions while taking a look at the budget and review what has been done in years prior in order to determine what needs to be done now.

Some associations, especially those where space is more readily available, go big on amenities, offering outdoor recreation areas, golf courses, or tennis and pickleball courts. These associations will require even more preparation and forward thinking in order to have these amenities up and running come spring. The best advice is the same as before: Start Planning Early.

In the fall, when the playing season has come to an end, the grounds should be inspected. If a board can ascertain in the fall what work will need be done prior to re-launching the next spring, it can and should schedule that as soon as possible. When the snow starts to melt in late winter, it is important to go over the area again, to best ascertain what deterioration may have befallen the amenity during the winter. Board’s want to schedule spring inspections as soon as possible to ensure there is enough time to make any necessary repairs, as unit owners are going to want to play or use these amenities as soon as the weather turns. Board’s need to prepare ahead of time so as not to impede play. Get on your vendor’s calendar now, so any work that may be needed can be done right away.

The mantra of spring preparation, or really any seasonal planning, for your building or community is always Plan Ahead. The more lead time you allow yourself and your contractors and vendors, the more likely you’ll be to get a great result at a fair price.

Written by

David Lally



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